Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What a UP student is NOT

There are many things people expect from the University of the Philippines' student. They always say that students from the University of the Philippines are intelligent. Anyone who pass the entrance exam or the High School Admission Test (HSAT) in UP are called "Iskolar ng Bayan". But in this post I will talk about of what a University of the Philippines student is not.

First of all, a UP student is not a cheater and a liar because if he or she is, he or she violates the greatest law of UP, honesty. Lying and cheating is the highest crime in UP so if anybody commits this type of crime, he or she also gets the highest sanction for what he or she have done. Teachers always tell us about this thing.

Next, a UP student is not rich because anyone who wants to take the entrance test are interviewed and only the poor but deserving students are allowed to take the exam. I remember a teacher when we were first year at that time that asked us if we really are poor but deserving students. She said this unforgettable quote to us, "Shame of you to those who are really not poor students".

UP students are not always good in all things. We are just humans like the others so we also commits mistakes. But many people expect a lot from UP students.

UP students do not know all. We are also like the other students who wants to learn in the classroom but we are just a little bit advance than the others.

UP students do not like boring things. We really love to have many adventure.

UP students also do not focus on academic. We balance our academic and other things like the plays, games and many others. We have our different presentations and we also have our Intramural games. Sometimes we combined these like the science olympics where we have fun at the same time learn many things.

UP students are not boastful. We are humble especially if we lost in a contest or whatever, we will not argue about it anymore not like other schools who really want to make their self in the list.

UP students are also not lazy because if they are they will get low grades in some subjects especially Home Technology and others. Teachers in UP do not want their students to be lazy because they think they are responsible if the students do not try their best.

Some students in UP say that we are not ugly because we are made from the image and lightness of God so we should be proud of ourselves.

There are still many more that a University of the Philippines students are not but no matter what we do, we believe and we fight for what we think is right. We are also proud of our teachers because they also do their best to mold us into a better citizen in the future.

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