Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What a UP student is NOT

There are many things people expect from the University of the Philippines' student. They always say that students from the University of the Philippines are intelligent. Anyone who pass the entrance exam or the High School Admission Test (HSAT) in UP are called "Iskolar ng Bayan". But in this post I will talk about of what a University of the Philippines student is not.

First of all, a UP student is not a cheater and a liar because if he or she is, he or she violates the greatest law of UP, honesty. Lying and cheating is the highest crime in UP so if anybody commits this type of crime, he or she also gets the highest sanction for what he or she have done. Teachers always tell us about this thing.

Next, a UP student is not rich because anyone who wants to take the entrance test are interviewed and only the poor but deserving students are allowed to take the exam. I remember a teacher when we were first year at that time that asked us if we really are poor but deserving students. She said this unforgettable quote to us, "Shame of you to those who are really not poor students".

UP students are not always good in all things. We are just humans like the others so we also commits mistakes. But many people expect a lot from UP students.

UP students do not know all. We are also like the other students who wants to learn in the classroom but we are just a little bit advance than the others.

UP students do not like boring things. We really love to have many adventure.

UP students also do not focus on academic. We balance our academic and other things like the plays, games and many others. We have our different presentations and we also have our Intramural games. Sometimes we combined these like the science olympics where we have fun at the same time learn many things.

UP students are not boastful. We are humble especially if we lost in a contest or whatever, we will not argue about it anymore not like other schools who really want to make their self in the list.

UP students are also not lazy because if they are they will get low grades in some subjects especially Home Technology and others. Teachers in UP do not want their students to be lazy because they think they are responsible if the students do not try their best.

Some students in UP say that we are not ugly because we are made from the image and lightness of God so we should be proud of ourselves.

There are still many more that a University of the Philippines students are not but no matter what we do, we believe and we fight for what we think is right. We are also proud of our teachers because they also do their best to mold us into a better citizen in the future.


The story, "Love is a Fallacy" was a full of hopes and funny story. The story tells about the hope of the narrator to change Polly Epsy into an intelligent girl whom she want to go steady with. At first, Polly Epsy was dumb before the narrator taught her a little bit of his knowledge. The narrator had a very difficult time before Polly Epsy was good enough for his satisfaction. I really like the patience of the narrator. Though there is a time that he wanted to give up, but still, he continue teaching Polly Espy to make her his perfect wife to be and he really did a great job but he never win a date with Polly because he is already with Petey Bellows just because he had a racoon coat which he asked the narrator in exchange to date Polly Epsy.It was also very funny that Polly chose Petey,who was very dumb than the narrator who is intellegent and most of all who really give her the knowledge to know about the different fallacies.

The different fallacies were explained very well in there. The sequence of the story is really organize. At first reading, I did not understand some of the lines because it uses deep English words but when I read it for the second time, I already understand especially the sequences of the scenes. During the first part of the story, the characters are well defined. The narrator was defined as an intellegent guy and he really is because he taught Polly Epsy the different fallacies like Dicto Simpliciter, Hasty Generalization, Post Hoc, Contradictory Premises, Poisoning the Well and many more. He is also a rich man because he was able to give Peter Bellows a racoon coat.

I felt really sad about the narrator because he did his best to teach Polly the different fallacies and he was really very patient in teaching her and in the end, Polly did not choose him just because he had no racoon coat. He was also very confident that he will be the one chosen by Polly and that Petey will never be interested with Polly because he had given him a racoon coat. In the end, the narrator realized about his mistake and it was good for the other people. He made Polly Epsy an inteligent girl. He also made Polly and Petey to be close because only of that racoon coat.

In this story "Love is a Fallacy" by Max Schulman, I learned many things especially about loving others. First, we should not be very confident enough because in the end we will never know what will happen. I also learned that we should not be slave in loving others. We should not let our personal affection affect overpower us that we will do anything just for the one we love. Sometimes it is not good to do that because we sometimes realize that we are hurting others' feelings. It is also good for others especially positively thinking because we may find our inspiration in that kind of relationship.

Monday, March 26, 2007

About This Blog Project

I really hate making essays. During our tests, when we have an essays I do not really answer this type of question. That is one reason sometimes I do not pass in our tests.

I was really shock when Sir Elmer talked about this blog project because I did not expect this. Other teachers do not give us as hard as this blog project for me. That is why I told my self that this blog project is really a crazy thing.

On the first weeks of this blog project, i really did not do anything but pass an empty blog. I know from the start that I will not make this project complete because it is really so hard for me. I did not expect much on myself. I took for granted all the time that i was so vacant for these posts. But what else can a student do if the teacher really requires this kind of thing? There is really nothing can a student do but to follow or else get the unexpected grade.

These blog project helps me learn more to use the proper English skills or how to use properly English. I also speeds up my tyoing skills. And also my composition skills bettered than those of the things when I was not making this thing. It also made my pocket empty after this few days had passed. I only made my second posts last Wednesday of last week so i really have some sleepless nights thinking about all these things because i am the type of person who really can not sleep well if there is a problem going on into my life. but these day I will end all my problems I do not have to think about it anymore even if i lacked some posts especially the assigned topics.

What made me do this project is that i want to be competitive with my friends. They always talk about this and i am really so left behind. Others have posted more than 40% of the real posts. Some completely had typed the posts. But even though, i know inside me that if i really just made this project, i won't have been not that busy for these past days.

In our group, i think it is only Faith who really posted the number of posts. While us, i do not know. One reason i think is that they have internet connection in their house. She has all the facilities to make this project.

But i was really glad when Sir Elmer lessen the number of posts. His lessening of the post did not affect my somrething because I did not still do my project .

I think this will be my last post for this night and i will never complete this blog project anymore because i am really tired now. i want my body to reat already.

Blogger, thank you for letting me experience this kind of experience. Sir Elmer, I amreally sorry if i did not comply or i did not made it. I think i have done my best. Thank you also Faith for letting me use your computer at my firsr blog.

"I am such a drama piggy!" what April always tell me.


Bakekang, starred by Sunshine Dizon, Yasmien Kurdi, and Lovi Poe, is the one and only show I love the most in GMA. I like the story of it because it is sometimes funny and other times very dramatic. It teaches us lessons in life and though there are some violent and PG scenes, the main theme is encouraging and inspiring somehow. It teaches us how to love, how to value family, and how to handle fame and humility. Anyway, here's a little of its plot.

Bakekang was a girl who had high hopes for her future. Despite her being poor and her ugliness, and despite all the teases and hurt she'd been going through, she didn't give up with life. She planned to lure an American citizen so that he'd lay down with her in bed. She wanted it to happen so that her child would not be ugly like her. Her plan worked and after some months, she gave birth to two girls. The first one was ugly and dark in color and the other one was very pretty and has a fair complexion. The children grew old and the ugly one, Charming, envied her sister, Krystal, the most because their mother wanted the pretty baby more than her.

Then goes the story. I like it so much because of some funny moments. Bakekang is so cruel when she is the one who gets hurt already and ends up beating or fighting with Valeria, her greatest enemy, or Tiya Mameng and her family. She is such a strong lady and someday, I want to be like her. I wasn't referring to her face, alright? I just want her courage and strength to face problems in life. And mind you, she is now being chased by two handsome men, certainly not because of her beauty, but because of her kindness and her strong attitude towards life. I also like her because she loves her children so much, even though she uses favoritism sometimes. That's all. She's my idol, you know.

What I like about Krystal is that she is also very kind to her ugly sister. Even though she was already a celebrity back then, she never really boasted about it to anyone. She really loved her sister. She is also loving to her mother and to everyone else.

With Charming, she is a very patient and ugly girl...before. But now, she is beautiful because of plastic surgery made by Valeria. Before, she was very kind and pretty on the inside but now, she is already very boastful and arrogant to everyone, even her sister and her mother. She is really very cruel now, especially because she's in the wrong hands.

The story goes on up to now in GMA 7. It gets more thrilling and thrilling, especially because of its nearing end which is this Friday. And they did it as a way of a concert. You know, Krystal and Charming will compete and all. I have many ideas in mind on how this will end but one thing's for sure, it will be a nice one.

Reflections on Teachers and Teaching

As I have said in my older posts that teaching is the hardest kind of profession. Especially if you teach from the bottom of your heart because you should gain confidence and strenght from yourself and if you do not, you can not teach properly to your students the things you really need to discuss and maybe you end up by trapping them and make them not to understand more on the topic. It is really hard especially if there are students who really are naughty. It feels also good because there are also some who respects you even if you are just there to substitute the real teacher.

I will never forget January 25, 2007 for it was the day where I experienced it all. Many things realy hapeened in that one day. I am so flattered at what some of my classmates told me that I was good in teaching at that particular subject because I really explained to them the lessons. There are also some classmates of mine who made me very disappointed especially when it was the last period I have to teach.That was when I taught in Math II-B (Geometry) with the other section. It was because that I was not able to take my third period in the afternoon. I really had fun teaching with them because they are so behave. Both sections are really participates in my discussion. It was music time and we had a graded exercise in that particular subject. My head was very busy on what to do because another problem occured. I have to give them a seatwork but i do not have any sample questions so I have to make my own and I have to answer it also. It is a good thing that a friend of mine helped me answer the questions I gave to them. He was aalso exempted because he will be teaching in that subject too. He is James Chua. We both taught in the subject Math II-A (Advance Algebra) but he was assign the next day.

During that day I have really a hard time. But it was all worth it because I learned many lessons in just that one day of my life. I have learned that being a teacher, you should be patient to your students. I also learn that you should not be too self-confident because in the end it might be the reason why you fall down because you were so proud of yourself. There are also a lot of problems that a real teacher is undergoing like for an example checking the papres. Some teachers do not consider even if it has only a small mistake but others really consider the hardwork of the students.

So we students should always remember the hardworks that our teachers are doing in order gor us to learn. They are oursecond parents because we most of the time spend our time in school studying.

All I can say is "Thank You Teachers" for really being there for us in times that we need you.

The Real Me, Inside and Out

I may not be as handsome as Sam Milby.I may not be that rich as Brad Pitt. And I may not be tall like Yao Ming but I can be good like the people who are really good and not pretending to be others in theirselves.

By the way, my name is Ronald L. Baldo and I live at 45 S. cabahug St., Mabolo, Cebu City. I am a second year student of the University of the Philippines in Cebu. I am from section Palma and I am proud of it. My alma mater in elementary is Mabolo Elamentary School. I am the youngest sibling of Paz and Ramon Baldo. I have 1 sister and 2 brothers.

My hobbies are to play volleyball, go to malls and surf with the computer. Well, if you ask me about my favorit color, my answer is purple. They say that purple is the color of the woman but I do not care about it. I like it because I just like it.

Food is nice to be a topic but for noe I am having some habits of not eating sometimes because I do not want to be as fat as the barrel of water. But I really love to eat spaghetti and lumpia, I think. That's for now.

I love Rachelle Ann Go when she sings and I like her beauty too even if my friends would say that she have her "retoke-thing in the nose". I also love Nina and her hit song "Someday". It is so meaningful.

I have many friends in school, i think but there really my true friends who never leaves me in times when I am in need.They are my friends since elementary years. They are April, Faith and Fatima. They are always with me.

Some of my classmates told me that I am good in Math. The truth is I am really not that good. I just really like the subject Mathematics. And I think that if you really love that subject then you will really learn because you have that something in your self to really study thar subject.

Enough for the outside things, let's go to the inside part of me. I really like that balance thing in my mind. I want that all will be fair and I do not want that there are some who abuse their power because they are in the authority. I really hate persons who feel like thay know everything and also people who feels like they are the cutest or smartest. I also hate people who putys another person in danger. those who are nice to you when you speak to them but backbites you when you turn around. I want to jam with other people and I want others to laugh with me.

Let's talk about love now. I do not expect a lot at her. I just want her ro be simple and funny sometimes. I hate persons who take relationships so serious because you do not know in the end that those person will just leave you.

And that's just a part of what I am. I want you to figure some in my life.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


One afternoon, Petey was lying on his bed with an expression of such distress on his face. And then a young man at age eighteen who was very smart, acute, and astute passed by him. He described his powerful brain as a dynamo. He is studying at a law school as the same with Petey.The man diagnosed Petey and found that he was suffering from appendicitis. What really bothered him was a raccoon coat.It was found later that his sickness was mental and not physical. He said, he was like a fool for his money was spent for books and nothing is left for a raccoon coat.Big men on the campus are wearing it, " said Petey. I was not aware of the style because I was in the library. Petey was willing to give up anything in exchange for a raccoon coat.But there is one thing that Petey has, he is the first one to take for a date, Polly Espy. She is the most elegant and the most gorgeous girl he have so far seen. The way she eats and walks has the word elite on it. She was all he ever wanted, and all an intellectual guy like him would ever need.

The man is going to his house for the weekend and promise to bring something for his roommnate. After the man has come back, he brought with him a raccoon coat that what Petey really loves. Petey was very excited about the coat but the man told Petey to give him something in exchange of it. The man ask for the girl, Polly Espy. At first Petey did not want the deal but he thinks that he was just the one in the school who do not have a raccoon coat. at the end he gave Polly to the man.

The man took Polly the night after the deal. They went to eat and to watch a movie.After the man go to drop Polly. The man notice that Polly was not that intelligent for him so he had an idea the next night. They went under an oak tree and discuss the different fallacies. The man taught her the fallacies of Dicto Simpliciter, Hasty Generalization,Post Hoc, Contradictory Premises, Ad Misericordiam, Hypothesis Contrary to Fact.There was the time when he taught her about the only fallacy she correctly analyzed, the Poisoning the Well. She perfectly responded to the problem he gave her this time. That time, he was already filled with hope again. After the fifth night, He have made the perfect girl. Then, he tried on putting their dates from intellectual to romantic.

When the man finally had the courage to tell Polly his feelings,he was shocked to the way Polly replied to his words. Polly answered in a way that she make use of the fallacies. The man told her that she doesn't have to apply the fallacies all the time in because these fallacies are only taught inside the a four-walled room but Polly still continued to reply him on those fallacies. Then he asked her directly if she'd accept his love. But he was surprised when she refused, and the reason is because she promised Petey she'll be his that afternoon. He asked her why she chose Petey than him. Polly answered that she chose Petey beecause he has a raccoon coat.