Monday, March 26, 2007

Reflections on Teachers and Teaching

As I have said in my older posts that teaching is the hardest kind of profession. Especially if you teach from the bottom of your heart because you should gain confidence and strenght from yourself and if you do not, you can not teach properly to your students the things you really need to discuss and maybe you end up by trapping them and make them not to understand more on the topic. It is really hard especially if there are students who really are naughty. It feels also good because there are also some who respects you even if you are just there to substitute the real teacher.

I will never forget January 25, 2007 for it was the day where I experienced it all. Many things realy hapeened in that one day. I am so flattered at what some of my classmates told me that I was good in teaching at that particular subject because I really explained to them the lessons. There are also some classmates of mine who made me very disappointed especially when it was the last period I have to teach.That was when I taught in Math II-B (Geometry) with the other section. It was because that I was not able to take my third period in the afternoon. I really had fun teaching with them because they are so behave. Both sections are really participates in my discussion. It was music time and we had a graded exercise in that particular subject. My head was very busy on what to do because another problem occured. I have to give them a seatwork but i do not have any sample questions so I have to make my own and I have to answer it also. It is a good thing that a friend of mine helped me answer the questions I gave to them. He was aalso exempted because he will be teaching in that subject too. He is James Chua. We both taught in the subject Math II-A (Advance Algebra) but he was assign the next day.

During that day I have really a hard time. But it was all worth it because I learned many lessons in just that one day of my life. I have learned that being a teacher, you should be patient to your students. I also learn that you should not be too self-confident because in the end it might be the reason why you fall down because you were so proud of yourself. There are also a lot of problems that a real teacher is undergoing like for an example checking the papres. Some teachers do not consider even if it has only a small mistake but others really consider the hardwork of the students.

So we students should always remember the hardworks that our teachers are doing in order gor us to learn. They are oursecond parents because we most of the time spend our time in school studying.

All I can say is "Thank You Teachers" for really being there for us in times that we need you.

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