Monday, March 26, 2007

About This Blog Project

I really hate making essays. During our tests, when we have an essays I do not really answer this type of question. That is one reason sometimes I do not pass in our tests.

I was really shock when Sir Elmer talked about this blog project because I did not expect this. Other teachers do not give us as hard as this blog project for me. That is why I told my self that this blog project is really a crazy thing.

On the first weeks of this blog project, i really did not do anything but pass an empty blog. I know from the start that I will not make this project complete because it is really so hard for me. I did not expect much on myself. I took for granted all the time that i was so vacant for these posts. But what else can a student do if the teacher really requires this kind of thing? There is really nothing can a student do but to follow or else get the unexpected grade.

These blog project helps me learn more to use the proper English skills or how to use properly English. I also speeds up my tyoing skills. And also my composition skills bettered than those of the things when I was not making this thing. It also made my pocket empty after this few days had passed. I only made my second posts last Wednesday of last week so i really have some sleepless nights thinking about all these things because i am the type of person who really can not sleep well if there is a problem going on into my life. but these day I will end all my problems I do not have to think about it anymore even if i lacked some posts especially the assigned topics.

What made me do this project is that i want to be competitive with my friends. They always talk about this and i am really so left behind. Others have posted more than 40% of the real posts. Some completely had typed the posts. But even though, i know inside me that if i really just made this project, i won't have been not that busy for these past days.

In our group, i think it is only Faith who really posted the number of posts. While us, i do not know. One reason i think is that they have internet connection in their house. She has all the facilities to make this project.

But i was really glad when Sir Elmer lessen the number of posts. His lessening of the post did not affect my somrething because I did not still do my project .

I think this will be my last post for this night and i will never complete this blog project anymore because i am really tired now. i want my body to reat already.

Blogger, thank you for letting me experience this kind of experience. Sir Elmer, I amreally sorry if i did not comply or i did not made it. I think i have done my best. Thank you also Faith for letting me use your computer at my firsr blog.

"I am such a drama piggy!" what April always tell me.


Bakekang, starred by Sunshine Dizon, Yasmien Kurdi, and Lovi Poe, is the one and only show I love the most in GMA. I like the story of it because it is sometimes funny and other times very dramatic. It teaches us lessons in life and though there are some violent and PG scenes, the main theme is encouraging and inspiring somehow. It teaches us how to love, how to value family, and how to handle fame and humility. Anyway, here's a little of its plot.

Bakekang was a girl who had high hopes for her future. Despite her being poor and her ugliness, and despite all the teases and hurt she'd been going through, she didn't give up with life. She planned to lure an American citizen so that he'd lay down with her in bed. She wanted it to happen so that her child would not be ugly like her. Her plan worked and after some months, she gave birth to two girls. The first one was ugly and dark in color and the other one was very pretty and has a fair complexion. The children grew old and the ugly one, Charming, envied her sister, Krystal, the most because their mother wanted the pretty baby more than her.

Then goes the story. I like it so much because of some funny moments. Bakekang is so cruel when she is the one who gets hurt already and ends up beating or fighting with Valeria, her greatest enemy, or Tiya Mameng and her family. She is such a strong lady and someday, I want to be like her. I wasn't referring to her face, alright? I just want her courage and strength to face problems in life. And mind you, she is now being chased by two handsome men, certainly not because of her beauty, but because of her kindness and her strong attitude towards life. I also like her because she loves her children so much, even though she uses favoritism sometimes. That's all. She's my idol, you know.

What I like about Krystal is that she is also very kind to her ugly sister. Even though she was already a celebrity back then, she never really boasted about it to anyone. She really loved her sister. She is also loving to her mother and to everyone else.

With Charming, she is a very patient and ugly girl...before. But now, she is beautiful because of plastic surgery made by Valeria. Before, she was very kind and pretty on the inside but now, she is already very boastful and arrogant to everyone, even her sister and her mother. She is really very cruel now, especially because she's in the wrong hands.

The story goes on up to now in GMA 7. It gets more thrilling and thrilling, especially because of its nearing end which is this Friday. And they did it as a way of a concert. You know, Krystal and Charming will compete and all. I have many ideas in mind on how this will end but one thing's for sure, it will be a nice one.

Reflections on Teachers and Teaching

As I have said in my older posts that teaching is the hardest kind of profession. Especially if you teach from the bottom of your heart because you should gain confidence and strenght from yourself and if you do not, you can not teach properly to your students the things you really need to discuss and maybe you end up by trapping them and make them not to understand more on the topic. It is really hard especially if there are students who really are naughty. It feels also good because there are also some who respects you even if you are just there to substitute the real teacher.

I will never forget January 25, 2007 for it was the day where I experienced it all. Many things realy hapeened in that one day. I am so flattered at what some of my classmates told me that I was good in teaching at that particular subject because I really explained to them the lessons. There are also some classmates of mine who made me very disappointed especially when it was the last period I have to teach.That was when I taught in Math II-B (Geometry) with the other section. It was because that I was not able to take my third period in the afternoon. I really had fun teaching with them because they are so behave. Both sections are really participates in my discussion. It was music time and we had a graded exercise in that particular subject. My head was very busy on what to do because another problem occured. I have to give them a seatwork but i do not have any sample questions so I have to make my own and I have to answer it also. It is a good thing that a friend of mine helped me answer the questions I gave to them. He was aalso exempted because he will be teaching in that subject too. He is James Chua. We both taught in the subject Math II-A (Advance Algebra) but he was assign the next day.

During that day I have really a hard time. But it was all worth it because I learned many lessons in just that one day of my life. I have learned that being a teacher, you should be patient to your students. I also learn that you should not be too self-confident because in the end it might be the reason why you fall down because you were so proud of yourself. There are also a lot of problems that a real teacher is undergoing like for an example checking the papres. Some teachers do not consider even if it has only a small mistake but others really consider the hardwork of the students.

So we students should always remember the hardworks that our teachers are doing in order gor us to learn. They are oursecond parents because we most of the time spend our time in school studying.

All I can say is "Thank You Teachers" for really being there for us in times that we need you.

The Real Me, Inside and Out

I may not be as handsome as Sam Milby.I may not be that rich as Brad Pitt. And I may not be tall like Yao Ming but I can be good like the people who are really good and not pretending to be others in theirselves.

By the way, my name is Ronald L. Baldo and I live at 45 S. cabahug St., Mabolo, Cebu City. I am a second year student of the University of the Philippines in Cebu. I am from section Palma and I am proud of it. My alma mater in elementary is Mabolo Elamentary School. I am the youngest sibling of Paz and Ramon Baldo. I have 1 sister and 2 brothers.

My hobbies are to play volleyball, go to malls and surf with the computer. Well, if you ask me about my favorit color, my answer is purple. They say that purple is the color of the woman but I do not care about it. I like it because I just like it.

Food is nice to be a topic but for noe I am having some habits of not eating sometimes because I do not want to be as fat as the barrel of water. But I really love to eat spaghetti and lumpia, I think. That's for now.

I love Rachelle Ann Go when she sings and I like her beauty too even if my friends would say that she have her "retoke-thing in the nose". I also love Nina and her hit song "Someday". It is so meaningful.

I have many friends in school, i think but there really my true friends who never leaves me in times when I am in need.They are my friends since elementary years. They are April, Faith and Fatima. They are always with me.

Some of my classmates told me that I am good in Math. The truth is I am really not that good. I just really like the subject Mathematics. And I think that if you really love that subject then you will really learn because you have that something in your self to really study thar subject.

Enough for the outside things, let's go to the inside part of me. I really like that balance thing in my mind. I want that all will be fair and I do not want that there are some who abuse their power because they are in the authority. I really hate persons who feel like thay know everything and also people who feels like they are the cutest or smartest. I also hate people who putys another person in danger. those who are nice to you when you speak to them but backbites you when you turn around. I want to jam with other people and I want others to laugh with me.

Let's talk about love now. I do not expect a lot at her. I just want her ro be simple and funny sometimes. I hate persons who take relationships so serious because you do not know in the end that those person will just leave you.

And that's just a part of what I am. I want you to figure some in my life.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


One afternoon, Petey was lying on his bed with an expression of such distress on his face. And then a young man at age eighteen who was very smart, acute, and astute passed by him. He described his powerful brain as a dynamo. He is studying at a law school as the same with Petey.The man diagnosed Petey and found that he was suffering from appendicitis. What really bothered him was a raccoon coat.It was found later that his sickness was mental and not physical. He said, he was like a fool for his money was spent for books and nothing is left for a raccoon coat.Big men on the campus are wearing it, " said Petey. I was not aware of the style because I was in the library. Petey was willing to give up anything in exchange for a raccoon coat.But there is one thing that Petey has, he is the first one to take for a date, Polly Espy. She is the most elegant and the most gorgeous girl he have so far seen. The way she eats and walks has the word elite on it. She was all he ever wanted, and all an intellectual guy like him would ever need.

The man is going to his house for the weekend and promise to bring something for his roommnate. After the man has come back, he brought with him a raccoon coat that what Petey really loves. Petey was very excited about the coat but the man told Petey to give him something in exchange of it. The man ask for the girl, Polly Espy. At first Petey did not want the deal but he thinks that he was just the one in the school who do not have a raccoon coat. at the end he gave Polly to the man.

The man took Polly the night after the deal. They went to eat and to watch a movie.After the man go to drop Polly. The man notice that Polly was not that intelligent for him so he had an idea the next night. They went under an oak tree and discuss the different fallacies. The man taught her the fallacies of Dicto Simpliciter, Hasty Generalization,Post Hoc, Contradictory Premises, Ad Misericordiam, Hypothesis Contrary to Fact.There was the time when he taught her about the only fallacy she correctly analyzed, the Poisoning the Well. She perfectly responded to the problem he gave her this time. That time, he was already filled with hope again. After the fifth night, He have made the perfect girl. Then, he tried on putting their dates from intellectual to romantic.

When the man finally had the courage to tell Polly his feelings,he was shocked to the way Polly replied to his words. Polly answered in a way that she make use of the fallacies. The man told her that she doesn't have to apply the fallacies all the time in because these fallacies are only taught inside the a four-walled room but Polly still continued to reply him on those fallacies. Then he asked her directly if she'd accept his love. But he was surprised when she refused, and the reason is because she promised Petey she'll be his that afternoon. He asked her why she chose Petey than him. Polly answered that she chose Petey beecause he has a raccoon coat.


My friends and I really love to go to internet cafes. We sometimes just search for them just to have internet.We love to chat, to view our friendster profile, to watch some movies or music videos, or sometimes play.

I myself also loves to visit Yahoo Messenger because in there you are free to do anything(and especially you can have your codename). In messenger I do not really use my real name, I use a codename to hide myself. It feels so exciting if you have a chatmate who really do not know about you. In messenger sometimes you should be honest and sometimes it is better to lie. I commit these kinds of mistakes.I lie because I did not use my real name and I am honest in some aspects that I really express my real feelings to what we are talking about with my chatmates.I knew many people because of this messenger and there are really some whom I can not forget.

It started when i poened my messenger account and visited a chat room in USA. Then "K" (I gave it as his codename) greeted me while I was on that room.We talked with him a lot and I found out that they are going to visit the Philippines this coming summer time. I asked where particularly in the Philippines are they going to visit.He said that they are going to visit Danao and immediately I thought where is Danao and think that there is only one Danao City I have known in the Philiipines and that is located in Cebu. I asked if it is in Cebu but unfortunately, I ran out of time and I should bid goodbye to him anymore because we are still going to have apur class in the afternoon.

Many days had passed and I was not able to chat with "K" anymore. Faith knew about "K" and told another friend of ours who was not able to go with us about it. She told the e-mail add of "K". Fatima wants to chat with "K" so she inited "K" in the messenger. "K" accepted her invitation and they became friends in the messenger. Until one day when I was suppose to make my blog project and I saw "K" was online. Fatima was online a while ago before "K" was online. After she log-out, "K" log-in in the messenger. She was not able to chat with him. So we talked with him. After talking, he asked me if I will be online tomorrow of that day at 12:30. I answered him that I will try.

The next day I told my friends about it and I waas really laugh so hard because Fatima was not able to chat with "K". In the noon of that day, I was not able to chat with him because there was a big problem. Even though I want to go, I can' t really because it was a big,big,big problem to face. In the evening of that same day, I opened my messenger and found out that he was online and with his friends. My friends and his friends knew each other already it was just I who did not know them at first. We also chatted with his friends in that day. I had really fun on that day also.

I was really had fun with messenger because I met some people who are really nice.

Movie Time

I really enjoy watching movies especially when you are with your friends and families. It is good because there are people whom you can laugh with.

When there are times that we do not have a regular classes, we always visit the house of Faith to have internet or sometimes watch movies. We have seen many movies already in their house.

We have seen horror movies like the Grudge 2 and Hostel. We screamed and sometimes we are scolded by some of the relatives of Faith. Fatima is really the coward ion the group especiall if we watch like those movies.She do not want to see some scenes especiall if it is very bloody o really scary.

We have also watched movie White Chicks and Little Man and we really laugh very hard that causes our stomach to ache. I can not forget these movies because it was really so enjoyable and it made me stand on my seat. In the movie, White Chicks I will never forget these lines, "Your mother is so...." I really laugh at it. The story was
about two black americans who worked as policemen. And their job was to keep the Watson's sister safe in going to their destination. But unfortunately, their car was bumped and the sisters had a wound. the sisters do not want to go anymore. One black american decided that they will be the one who will substitute the sister and the story went on. While in the Little man, it was all about a little black american (who was also one of the main characters in the White Chicks) who wants to get a diamond and accidentally put it in a woman which is also black and the woman had a husband. the little man wants to get the diamond so he pretended to be a baby. and the story went on again.

We also watch the movie "John Tucker must Die". It was a love story. And it was about the campus crush who is John Tucker. He had three girlfriends at the same time and the three do not know about it. Until one girl who was working at the restaurant where John Tucker dates her girlfriends appear. She told everything she knows to the three. The three tried to confront John Tucker but he is really good in hiding. Until they really saw what John Tucker is doing. The three wants to revenge on John Tucker so they use the girl who told them everything. And still the story went on.

The last film i can rewmeber we watch was "Herbie: Fully Loaded". The story was about a volkswagoon car which used to be a race car. Herbie was the name of the car. It has a mind of its own like a person. Herbie was given to a girl who was newly graduated. Herbie defeated the most popular car racer. And the story went on when they decided to join a car race.

X-Men (The Last Stand)

A pharmaceutical company called Worthington Labs announces that it has developed an inoculation to suppress the X-gene that gives mutants their powers and makes them different from humans, offering the "cure" to any mutant who wants it. While some mutants are interested in the "cure", including the X-Men's Rogue, many others are horrified by the announcement. In response to the news, the X-Men's adversary Magneto raises an army, warning his followers that the "cure" will be forcefully used to exterminate the mutant race.

While Mystique was on the prison, Magneto plannned to escape Mystique. Upon freeing Mystique, they also freed Juggernut. One of the guards was awaken and pointed the gun with cure to Magneto. Mystique covered Magneto so she was the one who was hit. She was left in the prison cell with human form. Magneto told Mystique that "I am sorry my dear but you're not one of us anymore."

Cyclops, still depressed about the loss of Jean Grey, returns to Alkali Lake, where Jean sacrificed herself to save the X-Men. Jean appears to Cyclops, and as the two kiss, Jean changes and appears to kill Cyclops. Sensing trouble, Professor Charles Xavier sends Wolverine and Storm to investigate. When they arrive, the two X-Men encounter telekinetically floating rocks, Cyclops' glasses, and an unconscious Jean.
Xavier explains that when Jean sacrificed herself, she unleashed the powerful alternate personality she calls "Phoenix". Wolverine is disgusted to learn that Xavier has kept Jean in check telepathically, but when Jean awakens, he realizes she is not the Jean Grey he knew. Jean pleads with Wolverine to kill her, but when he refuses, the Phoenix surfaces and telekinetically slams Wolverine into a wall. She then escapes to her childhood home.
Magneto, also aware that Jean is now a powerful mutant, meets Xavier at Jean's house. The two men vie for Jean's loyalty until the Phoenix resurfaces, unleashing her devastating power. She destroys her family's house, disintegrates Xavier, and leaves with Magneto.

Following the loss of Xavier, the X-Men regroup and confront Magneto's army, which is attacking the pharmaceutical company's laboratory on Alcatraz Island. During the fight, Beast injects Magneto with the "cure", nullifying his mutant powers. While they were fighting They told Kitty to follow Juggernut to get the "Cure". Kitty used her power to pass through the walls and put Juggernut on the ground. After, Kitty ran away. Juggernut was shouting that "Don't you know me, I am the Juggernut bitch!". Juggernut was able to escape and followed Kitty. Upon reaching at the cure, Kitty tried to use her power but she can't use it if she is with the cure. Juggernut arrived and Kitty told him to "Come on you dickhead!" Juggernut was down after it.

After the battle, the Phoenix emerges and begins to destroy everything and everyone around her. Momentarily gaining control, Jean begs Wolverine to save her. Telling Jean he loves her, Wolverine reluctantly kills her with his claws.

Despite the X-Men's losses, life goes on. Magneto, now an ordinary man, sits at a chessboard and reaches out toward a metal chess piece that trembles slightly.

And that's the end of the third part of X-Men (The Last Stand).

my source

X-Men (United)

This is the start of the second movie of X-Men which were all the mutants unite.

Nightcrawler attempts to assassinate President McKenna, but he is shot and disappears. Jean Grey is confronted by Cyclops after she demonstrates her lack of focus. She confesses to him that she has been having bad feelings about the future.

After some difficulty, Professor Xavier locates Nightcrawler with Cerebro and sends Storm and Jean to retrieve him. They find Nightcrawler in a church and he willingly comes along with them, explaining that the entire time he was in the White House, he had no control over his actions. Cyclops and Professor X visit Magneto in his plastic prison to see if he had any part in the attack on the President. Reading Magneto's thoughts, Professor X discovers that a covert government operative, William Stryker, has been extracting information from Magneto. A trap is sprung and Cyclops and Professor X are captured. A military invasion of the school begins. Siryn wakes everybody up with one of her sonic screams and Colossus and Wolverine round up a number of the students. Wolverine stays behind to confront the attackers.

At a bar Mystique eventually manages to trick one of his security guards and drugs him, and injects something into him. When the guard later arrives at the prison, Magneto extracts the contents of Mystique's injection; Mystique had injected him with liquid iron and Magneto is able to create small balls of metal, which he uses to destroy his prison and escape.

Wolverine and the kids head to Iceman's home in Boston. Iceman decides to tell his parents that he is a mutant. His parents are shocked to learn the truth. During the discussion, Iceman's brother runs upstairs and calls the police. Wolverine meanwhile receives a call from Storm who decides to come and pick them up. Just as the group leaves, the police arrive and draw their weapons on Wolverine. A police officer mistakes Wolverine's claws for knives and shoots him in the head. Pyro becomes enraged and begins using his flame-controlling powers to attack the officers and destroy their cars. Just before his attack turns deadly, Rogue grabs hold of him with her bare hand. Rogue then puts out the fires with the pyrokinesis which she absorbed from him.

During the flight, the X-Jet is targeted by two Air Force fighter jets. After the X-Jet refuses to land, the pilots fire missiles. Storm creates a number of tornadoes in order to lose the aircraft, forcing both pilots to eject. Storm attempts evasive maneuvores, but quickly loses distance. Jean uses her powers and is able to destroy one of the missiles. Unfortunately the other detonates directly behind the jet. In the ensuing depressurization, Rogue is pulled out of her seat and out into a free fall. Nightcrawler teleports outside the jet to grab Rogue, then teleports back in, saving her life. The jet, still en route to a crash landing, is stopped at the last moment by Magneto, who is standing on the ground.Magneto has learned that Stryker orchestrated the attack on the President in order to gain approval to attack the school and has been experimenting on mutants at a secret base. Jean reads Nightcrawler's mind and determines that Stryker's base is located at Alkali Lake. Stryker is able to control mutants with a powerful drug that he has used on Nightcrawler and Magneto. He has also stolen enough equipment from Xavier's own Cerebro unit to build a second Cerebro and plans to use Professor X to kill all of the mutants in the world. The X-Men and Magneto join together to stop Stryker. Stryker gains control over Professor Xavier through his son, Jason Stryker who is able to project powerful visions in the mind, blinding a person to reality. Jason (in the form of a young girl) instructs Professor X to use Cerebro to find all existing mutants and kill them. Stryker orders his guards to let "Wolverine" in, before realising it is not him. Mystique incapacitates the soldiers and manages to take control of the control room, opening up the main gates so that the X-Men can enter the Alkali Lake Facility. Jean Grey joins Magneto and Mystique in order to keep an eye on them as they attempt to bring Professor Xavier back to his senses and rescue him. On their way, they are attacked by a brainwashed Cyclops. Jean stands her ground against Cyclops, withstanding his optic blast at an extremely high level, and both are propelled backwards, causing damage to the generators that keep the dam from collapsing.He finds him in an adamantium smelting room along with Lady Deathstrike. After Stryker leaves, Wolverine attempts to follow him but is attacked by Deathstrike. A battle of blades ensues, which results in Wolverine pumping Deathstrike full of molten adamantium metal, killing her. Wolverine finds Stryker on a landing pad and stabs him in the stomach. Magneto breaks into the new Cerebro and Mystique, disguised as Stryker, convinces Jason to kill all humans. Magneto and Mystique escape on the helicopter, alongside with Pyro who has decided to join them. Meanwhile, Nightcrawler teleports Storm inside of Dark Cerebro, from where she whips up a snow storm which freezes Jason and frees the Professor from his telepathic illusion. The destruction of the dam is inevitable. As the team prepare to leave, Wolverine revisits Stryker and gets rid of his mutant tag. A malfunction aboard the X-Jet prevents it from taking off and the dam finally bursts. The flood gets stronger, drowning Stryker. Jean Grey leaves the Blackbird and manages to fully tap into her to create a telekinetic wall in order to stop the wave, whilst she raises the jet up and over the flood waters; all the while surrounded by a corona of fire. Nightcrawler attempts to grab her but she blocks his teleportation powers, instead choosing to stay. With her last amount of strength, Jean activates the X-Jet's primary engines, before lowering her telekinetic shield and allowing herself to be consumed by the flood waters.

Back at the White House, the President prepares to address the country on the perceived mutant threat. Just as he begins his speech, the lights flicker, and the sky darkens and it begins to rain and everyone in the room freezes except for himself. The X-Men appear before him. Rogue gives him the files from Stryker's private offices while Professor X tells him about the events of the last few days, saying that in the files some humans and mutants. Then Professor X gives him an ultimatum: either humans and mutants work together to build peace, or they will destroy each other through war. The mutants leave in the same manner they entered. As everyone else in the room returns to motion, the shocked President looks at the files and is uncertain whether to continue his speech. The film ends with a voiceover by Jean Grey, identical to the voice-over at the start of the initial film, on the process of evolution. The camera floats over Alkali Lake, showing a vague but ominous shape in the water surface, the shape of a burning bird, the Phoenix.

And that is the end of the second part of X-Men (United).


Saturday, March 24, 2007


I really love the movie X-Men so I want the others to know the story and for those who did not see the first X-Men movie.

Marie D'Ancantoor what we have known as Rogue is a teenage girl who accidentally puts her boyfriend into a three-week coma when she kisses him and her mutation is triggered: she drains people's life forces. She runs away and meets mysterious brawler Logan / Wolverine. She discovers he has retractable metal claws in his hands,Wolverine and Rogue are ambushed by Sabretooth, who incapacitates Wolverine. He is about to finish him off when they are saved by Storm and Cyclops. They bring the two to the Xavier Institute in North Salem, New York. There, Wolverine and Rogue are introduced to a team of mutant superheroes known as the X-Men.

When Wolverine regains consciousness, he is being treated by Dr. Jean Grey. He is introduced to Professor Charles Xavier, the owner of the school and X-Men leader. Wolverine immediately takes a liking to Jean, and she reawakens some of his past as she attempts to read his mind -- Wolverine can't remember anything past fifteen years ago.

Rogue sneaks into Logan's bedroom at the Xavier Institute one night, prompted by the noises he makes while having nightmares about the implanting of his adamantium skeleton. Waking up in a blind rage, he accidentally impales Marie on his claws. She touches him, using her power to imprint his healing ability and save herself. The strain of the experience causes Logan to have a seizure. Xavier reveals that Rogue's power also means that she takes the power of any mutant she touches, not just their life force.

Mystique, posing as Iceman, a fellow mutant and Rogue's crush infiltrates the Institute. She poisons Xavier's Cerebro machine and tricks Rogue into thinking that Xavier is angry at her, causing her to run away. Xavier thinks that Magneto lured Rogue out of the safety of the School so Logan would go after her. He sends Storm and Cyclops to find Rogue, but Wolverine sneaks off anyway.Logan convinces Rogue to come back to Xavier's mansion with him, but then Magneto appears.Xavier and Magneto engage in a battle of wills where the Professor uses his telepathy to control Sabretooth and Toad and stop Magneto from controlling the guns the police have brought to the scene.Despite the valiant efforts of Xavier's team, the villains escape with Rogue in their captivity.Senator Kelly tells Xavier of Magneto's machine. He then dies as a result of his unnatural mutation. The X-Men realize that Magneto's machine not only mutates humans, but it also kills them. The X-Men find out that Magneto wants to transfer his power to Rogue. and place her in his mutation machine. A UN summit is taking place in the nearby Ellis Island, and by turning the world's leaders into mutants. Since Magneto was nearly killed using the machine to mutate Sen. Kelly, he will pour all of his power into Rogue, and she will be trapped in the machine, generating the deadly wave until her body burns out.Xavier uses the sabotaged Cerebro to locate Rogue and is rendered comatose, due to the poison which Mystique planted inside. Jean Grey restores Cerebro and uses it herself, nearly killing herself in the process, but finding out that Rogue is imprisoned in the flame of the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island. The X-Men set up a battle plan in which they will land on Liberty Island, and climb their way up to the top of the Statue, and save Rogue. They arrive at the scene in a specialized jet and soon find themselves battling the Brotherhood again. Mystique poses as Wolverine and attempts to kill Cyclops, but the real Wolverine stops her. After a fierce duel, she pretends to be Storm in order to lure him off and kill him, but Logan sees through the ruse. He stabs her in the stomach. Toad, meanwhile, kicks Cyclops into a glass display, and throws Storm onto the second floor of the Museum. Jean stops him midair with her powers, but he shoots slime at her face, and she starts to suffocate as the slime took the shape of her face. Toad uses his tongue to hold onto a hand rail, but Storm kills him by hitting him with a lightning bolt and knocking him into the water, along with a memorable quote - "Do you know what happens to a toad struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else".After battling and defeating both Toad and Mystique, the X-Men locate Rogue and the mutation device at the top of the Statue of Liberty. They are promptly captured by Magneto. Wolverine frees himself, engages in a lengthy battle with Sabretooth and frees his partners. All four work together to free Rogue; Logan is levitated to the mutation device by Storm and Jean Grey, allowing him an opportunity to destroy the machine. Magneto uses his powers to freeze Logan so he can't stop the machine, but Cyclops blasts Magneto with an optic blast, enabling Logan to slash the machine to pieces. Rogue is near death when Logan saves her by touching her, thus using her life-draining powers to transfer his healing powers to her.

Professor Xavier recovers from his coma. Senator Kelly reappears on the news as a more mutant-friendly politician. Careful scrutiny of the news footage by Xavier and the X-Men reveal that Kelly is actually Mystique in disguise. Wolverine journeys to Canada, to find answers to his origins, but promises to return. The film ends with Xavier playing chess with Magneto in a completely plastic jail cell. Magneto tells his old friend that he will continue fighting "by any means necessary", while Xavier replies that he will always be ready to meet the threats.

And thats the end of X-Men the movie.There are more in my post so wait for it.


KYSD Closing

If January 25, 2007 was a busy day because of the Know Your School Day Opening. January 26, 2007 was I think also a busy day because it is the dat to close it.

For me, being busy had come to an end that day because I do not have to teach anymore. But some of my classmates and friends are going to teach at this day.

After a while, the bell rings for the first period in the morning. Our first period in that morning was Science II-B(Basic Chemistry). Under the guidance of Mdm. Elissa G. Lapa, Rowela Agullion and Liezl Ann Sumagaysay, our substitute teachers started to teach. Their topic was about the periodic table . On the first period it was Liezl who taught while on the second period, it was Rowela's turn. They also taught us how to use properly the Modrn Periodic Table. After they have discussed, Mdm. Lapa gave an additional to their lesson. It was 9:30 already and it is now the time to take recess.

After taking recess, we just stayed at the room to go with our friend, Fatimawho will also be teaching for the next subject Math II-B(Geometry) which I was teaching during the opening. Her topic was all about CPCTC or Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent. During her discussion, many asked questions at her. I who also understands her lesson helped her even though Mdm. Kerr was there but she did not get mad at what I did. She finished discussing her lesson well and I think after that she felt a sign of relief but we teased her that on the next subject for the other section, she will still be teaching and we said that we will not be with her anymore. Her eyes, like what sometimes it do glittered. It means that her tears are almost going to fall from her eyes. but we comforted her after and we said that do not cry because she still have a clas to teach and it is not good that the teacher will cry in front of her students.

While she was on the other section, we took our next subject Filipino. Hazel mary pastlero and Ma. Jane Batulan were our student teachers. They were talking about love. I do not participate because I myself always talking love but i think i was just bored at that time. They gave an activity to some of our classmates.

After our last subject in the morning, we took our lunch. We asked Fatima how was her teachings on the other section. She told us that it was better to teach the other section than to teach your own. I agreed at what she said because When I taught at the other section, they were so behave while in our it was like a something I can't explain.

It was already first period in the afternoon and our subject was Health. It was neil Adrianne Guadayo who discussed about Drugs.

The next period was Computer. Another friend of mine was assigned to teach. It was April Faye Maghanoy or what the people have known "prelygirl". She discussed on how to put colors on the textbox.

The last substitute teacher for the day was James Chua in the subject Math II-A(Advanced Algebra). We call ourselves as bestfriends. he continued my discussion but another method to use. It was solving quadratic equations using quadratic formula.

This day was another tiring but worth it. I will never forget the KYSD 2007.

KYSD Opening(Part 2)

The bell is going to ring in any second, I thought. After a while, the bell sounded and my heart immediately beat fast that I do not understand why. I waited for Mrs. Maria Chona Kerr to arrive and to wait for her signal when to start. In a minute, she arrived and give me the signal. I started discussing and I really felt so nervous at that time. I was just smiling in front of them to uncover that nervousness. Thank God that I explained to the class properly my topic but unfortunately I finished it in less than the expected time so I decided to give more examples. But even if I have given a lot of examples there were I think, 10-20 minutes left before the bell to ring. I asked Mdm. Kerr what to do and she told me that I should give more examples next time and perhaps explain further my topic again and again. So we dismissed the class early and to give some preparation time for the next teachers.

The bell rings for the next subject- English II. The teachers for our section were Daphne Gayas of II- Benton and Mai Kyra Rose Roque from our section. There discussion is all about gerunds. They gave an activity, I think for the whole class after discussing their lesson. "Kriiiiinnnggg" the sounded for the second time and that was for the lunch break in the afternoon.

For some it was a relief but for me, it was not the end yet because I was still assign to teach.

After lunch, The next subject was Home Technology II. It was the turn of one of my closest friend Faith Clovell Lisondra to teach. Her assignment is to discuss to the class how to have a t-shirt printed or how to make t-shirt printing. Liezl Ann Sumagaysay helped her because she knew how to do it. After Home Tech it was Geometry in II-Benton and again I have to teach. Like what I felt in my first discussion, nervousness was still there I can not understand why it is still there even if I tried it already in the morning. So still discussing the same topic, finsh early again and so I just talked with them. I did not take my Music subject because I was teaching the other section. Even though I am excuse, I still should take a special graded session. Special because I should do it on my own.

The bell is ringing again. The last subject will be my last duty to do for the day because it is still my assignment but it is another subject. It is Math II-A(Advance Algebra). My topic is aboutsolving quadratic equatins by completing the square. It was a little bit easy but some bother to ask. I think I got mad at one of my classmate because she is always asking why. I am mad because I still have to give a seatwork and I am afraid if I can not give them because Mdm. Frances Nuñez told us to give a seatwork after the discussion. So I explain it again to them and after, I really gave the seatwork. Thanks God againand I still finish my discussion again.

That day was really very tiring for me. After the class I really felt a sign of a relief. Though it was abusy day I still felt very happy because I helped my classmates to learn in my small little way.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

KYSD Opening(Part 1)

Have you tried being a student teacher in your school? For me, yes and I am proud of it. We call it as "Know Your School Day".

Know Your School Day is the day when the students substitute their teacher to teach their classmates or schoolmates. This is the time when the students experience how to be a teacher. This is a great challenge because it tests your patience and respect to your classmates. Being a teacher, you should study your lessons before discussing it to the class so that it will be easy for you to answer some questions that are asked by the students and so that you will not be embarrass in front of them.

We first met our first student teachers in the subject, Social Science II.It is earlier than the exact date of the KYSD but there was no other time for them to discuss because it was the last meeting for Social Science for that week. The students were Katrina, Michelle, Kenneth, Charmaine and Vanilyn. Their discussion was all about the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations or tha ASEAN Summit. We did not have a hard time in their discussion because they were just letting us have our reaction about the event. But the one that I will never forget during that class was that "someone" asked what if the ASEAN Summit in Cebu was not successful. I immediately reacted at what that "someone" had ask and I yielded that "Sus Uy!". And then some of my classmates and perhaps that "someone" too looked at me. I was kind of ashamed but I said to myself that "why should I?". I just want to react at what that person said because why are we talking in the things that did not happen for what we knowthat the summit was successful.(By the way her name is Hazel Mary Pastelero.) But I do not have any hatred at her.

The next day, it was the student teachers in Science II-A(Basic Biology) who tried. They were Ma. Jane Chrislyn, Rachel and Vanilyn. Though they disccussed so fast, I still tried to catch with them.I did not understand some but I did not bother to ask questions. Their discussion was all about the organs and organ systems of the human body. They discussed The Circulatory system, Nervous system,Excretory system, Digestive system and Respiratory system. They all discuused their uses, functions and parts. They were running out of time because their discussions were too long but they managed to finish until the bell has rang for the recess time.

It was recess time already but I did not take my recess because I was assigned to be the student teacher for that particular day for the subject Math II-B(Geometry). My emotions were very mixed at that time because I am afraid that I can not do my duty and be embarrass in front of my classmates so I prayed to God to give me tha courage and strenght to discuss properly what I should discuss and so that my classmates will learn easily from me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Their Songs, My Songs

We love music. There are many reasons why we love music. Some love it because some songs express our feelings and some love it because their cool. There are also other people who loves song because they are meaningful. If we love music, so we should have our own favorite songs.

My friends and I really love. There are times when we sing our favorite songs or any songs we like to sing. There was one time when we sang the last part of the song, I remember the boy but I don't remember the feelings. We were repeating it until the teacher came inside the room and finishing it by singing the last word "anymore". But there are also times when we argue because some of us don't like what the other is singing, so we end up quarreling each other or sometimes fight but it's just a friendly fight.

If there was anyone who really loves rock music in our group, it is no other than April Faye Maghanoy. She loves to hear the songs of My Chemical Romance, Spongecola and Jay-R Siaboc of the Philippine Dream Academy. If April does not like the songs I sing, she will say that "Eew nimo Baldz wui!" I do not mind if she tells me like that because i am use to hear it from her.

Faith Clovell Lisondra loves many songs. She can go to rock, love and many other kinds of songs. She always do the CD-Burning in our group because thay have a CD-Burner. At first, she just burn the CD and expects nothing from us. But now if we want to burn our CD we should also buy one CD for her. Even if she raise her demand, we can not do nothing and a CD today is a little bit cheaper than paying fifty pesos in others. So we still prefer to burn to her our CD.

Fatima always know the latest songs in the radio or in TV. She always the first to introduce to us the latest and the hottest songs. She loves to hear Christian Bautista's songs. And we most of the time argue because I I really do not like Christian Bautista even though he is the boyfriend of one of my favorite singer, Rachelle Ann Go. We fight sometimes because she is the one who really do not agree with me and we are so very contradicting each other. But evn though we are like that we still remain as friends.

Now let us talk about my favorite songs. I really love love songs because I think they are the most expressive songs. They make you cry. They also make you more stronger to fight for your feelings.As I said I like the songs of Rachelle Ann Go. At first I just want he songs but now I love her already(as a singer). The reason why I loved her because of the song "Bakit" which was sang by her. The song was about that why she always find for that guy. I also want the song "Someday" by Nina.

Their songs are great but I stil prefer my songs because it expresse my feelings towards life.