Saturday, March 24, 2007


I really love the movie X-Men so I want the others to know the story and for those who did not see the first X-Men movie.

Marie D'Ancantoor what we have known as Rogue is a teenage girl who accidentally puts her boyfriend into a three-week coma when she kisses him and her mutation is triggered: she drains people's life forces. She runs away and meets mysterious brawler Logan / Wolverine. She discovers he has retractable metal claws in his hands,Wolverine and Rogue are ambushed by Sabretooth, who incapacitates Wolverine. He is about to finish him off when they are saved by Storm and Cyclops. They bring the two to the Xavier Institute in North Salem, New York. There, Wolverine and Rogue are introduced to a team of mutant superheroes known as the X-Men.

When Wolverine regains consciousness, he is being treated by Dr. Jean Grey. He is introduced to Professor Charles Xavier, the owner of the school and X-Men leader. Wolverine immediately takes a liking to Jean, and she reawakens some of his past as she attempts to read his mind -- Wolverine can't remember anything past fifteen years ago.

Rogue sneaks into Logan's bedroom at the Xavier Institute one night, prompted by the noises he makes while having nightmares about the implanting of his adamantium skeleton. Waking up in a blind rage, he accidentally impales Marie on his claws. She touches him, using her power to imprint his healing ability and save herself. The strain of the experience causes Logan to have a seizure. Xavier reveals that Rogue's power also means that she takes the power of any mutant she touches, not just their life force.

Mystique, posing as Iceman, a fellow mutant and Rogue's crush infiltrates the Institute. She poisons Xavier's Cerebro machine and tricks Rogue into thinking that Xavier is angry at her, causing her to run away. Xavier thinks that Magneto lured Rogue out of the safety of the School so Logan would go after her. He sends Storm and Cyclops to find Rogue, but Wolverine sneaks off anyway.Logan convinces Rogue to come back to Xavier's mansion with him, but then Magneto appears.Xavier and Magneto engage in a battle of wills where the Professor uses his telepathy to control Sabretooth and Toad and stop Magneto from controlling the guns the police have brought to the scene.Despite the valiant efforts of Xavier's team, the villains escape with Rogue in their captivity.Senator Kelly tells Xavier of Magneto's machine. He then dies as a result of his unnatural mutation. The X-Men realize that Magneto's machine not only mutates humans, but it also kills them. The X-Men find out that Magneto wants to transfer his power to Rogue. and place her in his mutation machine. A UN summit is taking place in the nearby Ellis Island, and by turning the world's leaders into mutants. Since Magneto was nearly killed using the machine to mutate Sen. Kelly, he will pour all of his power into Rogue, and she will be trapped in the machine, generating the deadly wave until her body burns out.Xavier uses the sabotaged Cerebro to locate Rogue and is rendered comatose, due to the poison which Mystique planted inside. Jean Grey restores Cerebro and uses it herself, nearly killing herself in the process, but finding out that Rogue is imprisoned in the flame of the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island. The X-Men set up a battle plan in which they will land on Liberty Island, and climb their way up to the top of the Statue, and save Rogue. They arrive at the scene in a specialized jet and soon find themselves battling the Brotherhood again. Mystique poses as Wolverine and attempts to kill Cyclops, but the real Wolverine stops her. After a fierce duel, she pretends to be Storm in order to lure him off and kill him, but Logan sees through the ruse. He stabs her in the stomach. Toad, meanwhile, kicks Cyclops into a glass display, and throws Storm onto the second floor of the Museum. Jean stops him midair with her powers, but he shoots slime at her face, and she starts to suffocate as the slime took the shape of her face. Toad uses his tongue to hold onto a hand rail, but Storm kills him by hitting him with a lightning bolt and knocking him into the water, along with a memorable quote - "Do you know what happens to a toad struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else".After battling and defeating both Toad and Mystique, the X-Men locate Rogue and the mutation device at the top of the Statue of Liberty. They are promptly captured by Magneto. Wolverine frees himself, engages in a lengthy battle with Sabretooth and frees his partners. All four work together to free Rogue; Logan is levitated to the mutation device by Storm and Jean Grey, allowing him an opportunity to destroy the machine. Magneto uses his powers to freeze Logan so he can't stop the machine, but Cyclops blasts Magneto with an optic blast, enabling Logan to slash the machine to pieces. Rogue is near death when Logan saves her by touching her, thus using her life-draining powers to transfer his healing powers to her.

Professor Xavier recovers from his coma. Senator Kelly reappears on the news as a more mutant-friendly politician. Careful scrutiny of the news footage by Xavier and the X-Men reveal that Kelly is actually Mystique in disguise. Wolverine journeys to Canada, to find answers to his origins, but promises to return. The film ends with Xavier playing chess with Magneto in a completely plastic jail cell. Magneto tells his old friend that he will continue fighting "by any means necessary", while Xavier replies that he will always be ready to meet the threats.

And thats the end of X-Men the movie.There are more in my post so wait for it.


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