Saturday, March 24, 2007

KYSD Opening(Part 2)

The bell is going to ring in any second, I thought. After a while, the bell sounded and my heart immediately beat fast that I do not understand why. I waited for Mrs. Maria Chona Kerr to arrive and to wait for her signal when to start. In a minute, she arrived and give me the signal. I started discussing and I really felt so nervous at that time. I was just smiling in front of them to uncover that nervousness. Thank God that I explained to the class properly my topic but unfortunately I finished it in less than the expected time so I decided to give more examples. But even if I have given a lot of examples there were I think, 10-20 minutes left before the bell to ring. I asked Mdm. Kerr what to do and she told me that I should give more examples next time and perhaps explain further my topic again and again. So we dismissed the class early and to give some preparation time for the next teachers.

The bell rings for the next subject- English II. The teachers for our section were Daphne Gayas of II- Benton and Mai Kyra Rose Roque from our section. There discussion is all about gerunds. They gave an activity, I think for the whole class after discussing their lesson. "Kriiiiinnnggg" the sounded for the second time and that was for the lunch break in the afternoon.

For some it was a relief but for me, it was not the end yet because I was still assign to teach.

After lunch, The next subject was Home Technology II. It was the turn of one of my closest friend Faith Clovell Lisondra to teach. Her assignment is to discuss to the class how to have a t-shirt printed or how to make t-shirt printing. Liezl Ann Sumagaysay helped her because she knew how to do it. After Home Tech it was Geometry in II-Benton and again I have to teach. Like what I felt in my first discussion, nervousness was still there I can not understand why it is still there even if I tried it already in the morning. So still discussing the same topic, finsh early again and so I just talked with them. I did not take my Music subject because I was teaching the other section. Even though I am excuse, I still should take a special graded session. Special because I should do it on my own.

The bell is ringing again. The last subject will be my last duty to do for the day because it is still my assignment but it is another subject. It is Math II-A(Advance Algebra). My topic is aboutsolving quadratic equatins by completing the square. It was a little bit easy but some bother to ask. I think I got mad at one of my classmate because she is always asking why. I am mad because I still have to give a seatwork and I am afraid if I can not give them because Mdm. Frances Nuñez told us to give a seatwork after the discussion. So I explain it again to them and after, I really gave the seatwork. Thanks God againand I still finish my discussion again.

That day was really very tiring for me. After the class I really felt a sign of a relief. Though it was abusy day I still felt very happy because I helped my classmates to learn in my small little way.

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